Living Dungeon World Wiki
Example template box
About this adventure
Mithrasia year: Unknown
IRL date: Unknown
GM: Unknown
Characters: Unknown
Organising character: Unknown

The aim of these pages is to end up with a coherrent, searchable file of our adventures to date that are all in one place and can be indexed by topic - for example, if one wanted to look up all the adventures in which players have dealings with elves, etc.


Actual play pages should be titled in the format [year]:[season as a number (summer = 1, autumn = 2)] -- [1-4 word title].

For example, 354:2 -- Snakes And Ladders.

Side bar[]

A sidebar of data about the game should be placed on the page. 

1. Place the cursor/edit position at the start of this editbox 

2. Click the dropdown menu titled "Templates" on the right hand side of the edit page pane

3. Click "Add other templates"

4. Enter "Template:Actual play"

5. Fill in template, hopefully with all the relevant info & hit ok

6. A little puzzle piece should appear at the top 


This is a section. Before the first section there should generally be a very breif summary of the adventure. Following that, other sections are up to you but usuall include "Notable Lore", "Loot", "[character]'s Report" etc. 


Pop things that seem relevant in here. This allows for easy searching. Categories are case sensitive! All actual play pages should be added to the category 'Actual Play' (with that capitalisation). 


This page is formatted quite well.


1. (June 21) Due to issues with confusion around naming (using the name of the organising adventurer, not just a seperate page for each adventurer's tales etc) and formatting (the // format was causing issues with links) the previous naming system [year]:[season] // [name of organising character] has been changed to [year]:[season] -- [1-4 word title]. Flagging / updating old titles is appreciated. 

2. The template for the info box has been overhauled to remove useless stuff.
